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Read Stir Me

Stir Me

Online Book

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Crystal Kaswell

Stir Me - Plot & Excerpts

She's not going to be happy I'm staying with Samantha all weekend, but she has to understand.
    She picks up after the first ring. "Hey." There's much joy in her voice. Like she's expecting good news.
    "Hey yourself." I pull the curtains open to let some light into the dull room. I'm not going to be able to count on Alyssa's laugh filling it with warmth.
    Not after I tell her about this weekend.
    "Are you exhausted from saving the world?" she asks.
    "I manage." "Did you sleep last night?" "Mhmm. Someone wore me out." She gasps, a tiny gasp, and clears her throat. "Oh. Well, that's good. It's good to sleep." She's nervous, almost stuttering. She takes a deep breath. "What is it like spending the afternoon with your ex? That's a lot of baggage to deal with." "Me, baggage? That's ridiculous. I've never even held a grudge." She laughs. "Uh-huh." "Not even once." "Then what do you call your deep and abiding hatred of Ryan?" She says it so cockily, like she knows she's right, knows she's got me.

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