I was so hot, I couldn't get cooled down fast enough. It didn't help that my air conditioner was on the fritz again--or it could be the one-hundred-degree weather. Ugh. Summer. My namesake, and the bane of my existence. I would much rather be cold than hot any day. I grabbed my purse and headed to the door of Jake's mother's house--Paula Bettes. I appreciated all the help from Grandma Bettes with caring for Emma, we had to be careful. She tended to overly-spoil Emma. I don't say anything, because Emma was all she had left of her son. I empathized with her--it still hurt, three years later, that Jake was gone, and he was my husband. I couldn't imagine what the pain must be like to lose a child. I prayed that I never did. So, Paula spoils Emma. I live with it. She'd never done anything to undermine my parenting, but occasionally she took it a little bit too far. Case in point--my child as she bolted out of the front door. She wore a blonde Elsa wig and blue dress, screaming "Let it go Mommy!" and waving her arms around like she was casting spells.