MJ looks scared and I can’t figure out what Lux looks like because he’s wearing shades like he always does, apparently even when he’s inside. I guess he’s cool like that, but MJ has me wondering why she looks so nervous. This time, I don’t think she’s worried that I’ll bust her to Lana or the cops for something, which is why even though we’ve been through a lot, she doesn’t fully trust me. Yeah, I’m definitely not sold on her love triangle story between Eddie and Lux. “Wassup?” is all MJ says, and she looks afraid just saying those few words to me. Unless cops with warrants are involved, MJ is never afraid. “Just wanted to see what you were up to,” I say, staring at Lux the whole time, trying to make out his eyes from behind the glasses, but I get nothing. Lux’s facial expression doesn’t change—well, the part of his face I can see doesn’t change—but MJ looks so stressed I’m worried she might puke. “I gotta go,” Lux says. “Remember what I said.”