Her nerves weren’t helped by the fact that Professor Benson was concentrating on the papers on his desk and making her wait. He finally looked up and smiled, with the nineteen year old girl responding with a hesitant smile of her own. “So I take it you would be happy to get involved with the volunteer program this weekend?” the professor started. “Sure,” Miranda agreed. “My aunt helped out when she was here and she encouraged me to give it a try. I provide assistance at a children’s home in town and so hopefully have some experience that will be useful.” “Well the kid’s home is always eager to have people lend a hand and you seem to be a perfect candidate,” Professor Benson went on. “Who else will be taking part?” Miranda asked. “Peter Marshal is also due to come this weekend,” the professor answered. “Not sure if you know him. I’ll drive the three of us to the children’s home after college finishes on Friday.”