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Read Tear (A Seaside Novel)

Tear (A Seaside Novel)

Online Book

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Tear (A Seaside Novel) - Plot & Excerpts

By midnight I felt loads better, which was good considering I’d have to sneak back into my house.Demetri had fallen asleep so it was up to Alec to deliver me to the front door in one piece.“Ready?” he whispered as he unlocked the back door.I nodded.We padded across the backyard and quickly made it to my back door. Everything was dark, meaning the photographers had finally gone home.“Everything’s going go to change, Nat,” Alec whispered behind me. I turned, his eyes looked black in the darkness, not the usual green I had grown so accustomed to.“What do you mean?” My voice didn’t hide my panic.“You’re going to be on every news station, every radio station, every gossip site. I just want you to know, it’s about to change and it’s not going to be easy.”“They’ll get bored with me,” I reassured him by reaching up for a hug. His arms were so big and strong. I shivered when he placed his chin on my head.“Nobody could ever get bored with you, Nat. That’s impossible.”I smiled.

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