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Read Tempting His Mate

Tempting His Mate

Online Book

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Tempting His Mate - Plot & Excerpts

The underground parking garage was cold because it was winter, but he wore loose gym shorts and nothing else. With the combination of his shifter blood and his flow of adrenaline, he barely felt the chill in the air.
No one else seemed to feel it either. It seemed as if most of the freaking pack had shown up tonight. And they’d literally just decided to do this less than an hour ago. Shifters loved a good fight. It was in their blood.
Grant gave him a half smile and a nod, which he took as a sort of approval for taking out the first four shifters in less than a minute. When he’d told his cousin he was taking all challenges, Grant hadn’t balked. Because more than most, he understood the need to assert dominance and keep a tight rein on those under him.
Asher was surprised he hadn’t had more challengers. The fighting itself was a waste of time in the physical sense because Asher knew he was going to win. He was older than all five males by at least a century and had spent a hell of a long time in the military.

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