I wondered where Ethel and Sam might be in 1979. Off on some dangerous expedition in search of ancient human remains buried centuries before? Perhaps those remains might be mine, I thought--a true anthropological anomaly to rival that of the missing link. Though I somehow doubted if my skeleton would differ much from the everyday Homo sapiens, as I am hardly what one would deem physically distinctive. Of all the theories that jostled in my mind, I could not shake that idea of the missing link being in some way connected to time travel. After all, the technology exists. It would only require a brazen fellow from the future to skip back to any point in time and, with a canny use of technology, advance the human species significantly beyond its merits. Hell, maybe one day I'll go back and do it. Or perhaps I am yet to, but already have. The paradox pinged around my head like a pinball, and would not sink. I quickly realized I was way out of my depth, never likely to understand time and time travel, no matter what wild designs I could invent.
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