As soon as I did, Bradford shoved a massive dildo inside, easily twice as thick as the stranger’s dong from earlier. He pushed it past my gag reflex and kept pushing, holding my head still with a fist in my hair. The electrodes jumped to life and my whole body buzzed as I struggled to swallow the whole damn dildo. It went on seemingly forever. Finally, he stopped going deeper and started moving it in and out in a fucking motion, the squicking noises sounding like seriously sloppy, intense sex. After a minute, he pulled it free and I gasped for air. The electrodes hadn’t stopped yet. In the van, they had come to life for a few seconds at a time and then they went off. Not so now. It didn’t seem like they’d ever stop. “That’s going to be inside you in about a minute, Fuck Toy, once I attach it to the Fuckasaurus Rex.” I only thought the butt plug was going to kill me. Holy hell, I couldn’t possibly survive if some fucking machine was plowing that massive thing inside my pussy…especially not if I already felt as full as I did from the thing up my butt.