The departure of the king, together with his Treasury, had been preying on her mind. It was some relief when, later, the vessel returned, with the king and his adviser still aboard, but Margaret had heard the comments of the people in the Tower. ‘They all said he was running,’ she said in a low voice to Simon as she served him with ale. ‘What – from the realm?’ Baldwin asked. ‘They thought he was running because his wife would soon be here,’ Margaret said. ‘I did too,’ Simon admitted, ‘but if he runs, he will lose all. He has to remain here. At least here in the fort he is safe enough. And gradually, if he is besieged, he will find that his loyal subjects will come to support him. They wouldn’t let their anointed king be captured.’ ‘You think so?’ Baldwin murmured. ‘Would you stay to defend Sir Hugh le Despenser if you were asked?’ ‘No!’ Simon said, remembering the time months ago when the bishop had asked the same thing. ‘And that is the problem for the king.