The Black Sheep (A Learning Experience Book 3) - Plot & Excerpts
-Solar News Network, Year 54 “I wasn't expecting it to come together so quickly,” Max Kratzok commented, as they stood together in the observation blister. “It’s really quite something.” “It’s been two weeks,” Hoshiko said. “I’m surprised more ships haven't shown up.” She smiled as she saw the sidelong glance the reporter threw her. There were over two thousand ships currently orbiting Amstar, being outfitted with weapons, sensors and human-grade defence systems. Only two hundred were actual warships, admittedly, but it was still an immensely formidable force. The only downside was patching up disputes between the various alien races involved in the coalition and trying to arrange matters so that races that disliked one another weren't forced to work too closely together. Her crew was being run ragged just trying to keep up with everything. “The fleet has its limitations,”
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