The Blood Thief Of Whitten Hall (A Magic & Machinery Novel Book 2) - Plot & Excerpts
Mister Wriggleton said as he stood patiently in the hallway outside their hotel rooms. The sun had set some time ago, and the flickering light from their respective fireplaces silhouetted Simon, Luthor, and Mattie. “Chancellor Whitten is truly sorry for his late return,” Tom continued with a disarming smile. “The political responsibilities for someone defying the crown is… well, as I’m sure you can assume, it’s fairly astronomical.” Simon offered a weary smile in response. The hour was late and between the long train ride and the humidity within Whitten Hall, he felt drained. “Please lead the way, Mister Wriggleton. I don’t believe either myself or either of my companions wish to keep the chancellor any longer than absolutely necessary tonight.” Tom nodded and stepped aside, allowing the trio access to the hallway. They walked down the stairs together, their guide in the front.
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