The Colossal Camera Calamity (2015) - Plot & Excerpts
We consider family support to be a vital ingredient for success at the institute. Mr and Mrs Zipzer, how would you describe the Zipzer family and home life? STAN ZIPZER: Loving, warm, scientific. Has Emily told you we bought her a lizard? DR MEHAT: At length. ROSA ZIPZER: And don’t forget, Stan, we like to do things together as a family. We know it’s not nice if we leave someone out. Because we don’t hurt the ones we love. STAN ZIPZER: Although sometimes people get hurt by accident. You know, through bad luck. Strange things happen in this wondrous universe of ours, and no one’s really to blame. People get hurt accidentally all the time. I’m very interested in accidents… Perhaps Emily could study them at the institute. DR MEHAT: If she’s accepted, of course. STAN ZIPZER: Of course, Meera. ROSA ZIPZER: Accidentally?! You mean like accidentally losing my arm in a salami-mincing machine? EMILY ZIPZER: Just the bottom half, Mum. Below the mid-humerus. STAN ZIPZER: Don’t get upset, love, you’ll damage your stitches.
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