The Dying Of The Light (Book 1): End - Plot & Excerpts
I trained with First Team’s Alpha squad, and those were some of the hardest days I have ever had. There were many times that I regretted my decision to join AEGIS, and several times I considered resigning, despite knowing that I would have regretted it forever. Besides, what choice did I have? After all, they weren’t just going to let the only living zombie survivor walk around without a care in the world. Most of the others weren’t even slightly fazed by the physical part of the training, all being Operators, but for me, it was as if I’d thrown myself into some sort of crucible. None of my experiences could have prepared me for the truth of real training. Hell, the most exercise I had gotten to this point was climbing the stairs in my house after a long day at the bookstore where I’d worked in my old life. Still, with the encouragement and help of the others in my squad, I held on, and at the end of the intense twelve-week ‘zombie boot camp,’ I looked and felt better than I ever had. I could keep up with my squad, was showing great proficiency in marksman drills and even learned the language of the military.
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