Meakins. Mr. Meakins who was the Chairman of the Hospital Board was a member of the congregation. He was, it seemed, a congenital bachelor, and had been a bachelor for so long that he supposed himself – and was supposed – to be immune from the annoyance of love. Soon after Lilly and her little girl came to the Valley, he found himself in difficulties. Every other Sunday Mr. Meakins, sitting behind Lilly and her daughter, was increasingly aware of the slim young woman whose green tweed back he studied and of the child whose bright face turned so often with confidence up to her mother. The child would tug at her mother’s sleeve. The young woman in green tweed would bend down, and with a quick serious smile would satisfy her little daughter and then return her attention to the service. This small action touched Mr. Meakins. He invested Lilly with every good quality as he looked at her slim back fortnight by fortnight. He knew that this was the young widow who was the new housekeeper at the Hospital, of whom he had heard such good reports from the Matron.
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