‘He’s done what?’ he raged. ‘After I explicitly told him not to? This is intolerable Destine, it really is! I’ll have to get there right away.’ ‘No, Cornelius, I beg of you—wait,’ implored Destine. ‘He’s been gone for hours, just after you left for the prison. You’ll never catch up with him.’ ‘Why on earth didn’t you try to stop him?’ ‘What chance would I have of stopping a thundering titan like him? He is more involved in this than even you are, Cornelius. Do not forget that he stands accused of murdering the woman he loved. He just needs to do something.’ ‘Madame, how could I forget?’ Quaint paused, rubbing at the back of his head as he tried to think what to do next. ‘This is just typical. Just when we actually get somewhere, we end up taking two steps back.’ ‘I can see you’re angry, Cornelius, but Prometheus is a big boy. He knows what he’s doing, of that I am sure.’ ‘He thinks he knows what he’s doing, you mean! I told him that Crawditch was a dangerous place for him to be, and I warned him about Dray—but he’s just ridden roughshod over it.
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