The Ganthoran Gambit (The First Admiral Series) - Plot & Excerpts
The situation was not looking favourable for the Universal Alliance. On the military front, Marrhus Lokkrien had reported that General Kallet’s former Frontier Fleet was now in orbit over Rubicos. The Fleets of Generals Sal’nor, Kav’al, and Timmeg had linked up on the Second Frontier and were making their way with best speed to Ganthus. General Grobbeg, the re-instated commander of the remains of Fifth Frontier Fleet, had made contact with his old command. His former second-in-command had declared his loyalty to the Adjudicators and the new Emperor. On his return to the Alliance Fleet, Billy had requested General Grobbeg to rejoin his Fleet and make preparations to defend the planet of Ganthus. Meanwhile, Admiral Parbe’an of the Universal Alliance Third Fleet was repairing and re-equipping his forces, in the vicinity of the Calyx Wormhole, after the earlier bone-crunching encounter with Grobbeg’s Fifth Frontier Fleet. On the political front, Karap Sownus; the bow-legged Thexxian Senior Intelligence Officer, reported that the political situation was still confused.
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