The text from the hospital, confirming she was allowed to visit her mother, arrived after breakfast. She took both messages to the Book Room. Tallis was there, in the draggled dressing gown, same pose as before, reading Black Beauty. But her lamp was a wind-up. Heidi explained that she had no choice. The police wanted her to talk to her mum. ‘Official business again,’ sneered the Old Wreck, tossing the phone down with a horrible scowl. ‘It seems you have connections. I hope this isn’t going to become a habit.’ ‘I’ll try and make it for next Monday. That way I can catch the parcel van, get the Vital Commuter Bus from Mayle, and be back in time to cook dinner. I’ll set breakfast before I go, and leave a cold lunch under covers on the sideboard.’ ‘You have it all worked out, I see. Why bother asking me? Do what you like, just GET OUT OF HERE. DO NOT EVER DISTURB ME IN HERE AGAIN!’ But no shower of books chased Heidi to the door. On the whole, there was progress. When she’d cleared lunch and washed up she went to the small greenhouse, to sort out some gardening tools.