The Magnificent Lizzie Brown And The Mysterious Phantom (2014) - Plot & Excerpts
The Amazon Queen stood there grim-faced; Mario the giant looked as though he hadn’t slept; even the clowns looked down at the ground and kicked at the dirt. Lizzie could hardly bear to look at Dru’s family. His father had his arm around Madame Boisset, whose eyes were red eyes from crying. His sister, Collette, hung her head and clasped her hands like a angel. “As you all know,” said Fitzy, “today’s rehearsals have been postponed. I’ve called this meeting to discuss the reason why.” A few knowing eyes turned to Lizzie for a moment, then quickly looked away. Why did that stupid roof tile have to give way? Lizzie thought. She’d never be able to forget the sharp crash as it shattered. It was like she’d been trusted with the heart of the whole circus, and she’d smashed it into a million pieces. Nobody had had a kind word for her this morning, except for what was left of the Penny Gaff Gang. Malachy, who was standing beside his father, gave Lizzie a look that said it’s going to be all right.
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