What do You think about The Mystery At Bob-White Cave (2005)?
They spelunk! They sing! They redecorate a log cabin! They solve the mystery of the creepy long-haired guy! These early Trixies are the best. And isn't it great to have uncle who own so many interesting properties you can visit? My uncles were severely lacking in that department. ETA: Does anyone notice how very annoying Trixie is in this book? She gets it in her head that they have to find those ghost fish and get that reward and then that's ALL she thinks about. The other kids are saying "hey, let's stop and have dinner" and Trixie jumps all over them "don't you WANT to get the reward so we can buy the station wagon for the handicapped children?" And then the scene after she almost drowns in the sinkhole. Uncle Andrew is understandably reluctant to let them spelunk again and Trixie gets all hysterical "we have to win the reward! We have to buy that station wagon!" she shrieks. I think there needs to be a Trixie Belden book where she embraces meditation and yoga.
For Christmas one year, my parents grabbed me the entire Trixie Belden set and I couldn't put them down. After I finished with them, they continued to purchase them as quickly as I could read them. Even with a learning disability, I devoured the books. I look back now and I find that Trixie Belden was much more age related to young girls, particularly to me, reading the books than Nancy Drew. There was something in these books that I found to be a greater escape than I did ND, too. I found that they weren't so "over the top" or dated. I will be doing the same thing with my granddaughters, if and when I have them, even if I have to stalk every used bookstore to get them.