On Prasravana Rama’s eyes shone when he heard Hanuman’s adventure in Lanka. Hugging the vanara, the blue prince cried, “Before today, I had heard of Garuda and Vayu crossing the ocean. Now Hanuman the vanara has leaped across the waves out of his love. He has ravaged impregnable Lanka and returned alive to bring us his news. Matchless one, it saddens me that, poor as I am today, I can repay you only with an embrace.” Tears running down his face, he embraced Hanuman again. Rama controlled himself, and said quietly, “It is true we have found Sita. Yet, though Hanuman vaulted the ocean as if it were a puddle of rainwater, how will the rest of us cross the yawning sea?” The vanaras all nodded their heads and murmured their agreement. Gloom settled on the company. Then Sugriva cried, “Rama, it is not right that you fear these trifles as another man may. In dharma, this is nothing. Can just a sea stand between Rama and his love? Can Death, who is the widest of seas? I say no! We will cross the ocean, all of us.