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Read The Secret Life Of A Dream Girl (Creative HeArts)

The Secret Life of a Dream Girl (Creative HeArts)

Online Book

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Entangled Publishing, LLC

The Secret Life Of A Dream Girl (Creative HeArts) - Plot & Excerpts

I scoop my backpack out of the backseat and the two of us hightail it to class, sliding into our seats just as the bell rings—which is a good thing because while Oliver is pretty lenient, I’m not sure even his coolness would extend to being tardy two days in a row.
    Still, it feels a little weird, too. How abruptly our idyllic little slice of heaven just ended. One second we’re feeding the ducks and oohing over some turtles sunning themselves on a rock and the next we’re back here, sitting on opposite ends of the classroom—Keegan surrounded by his friends and me sitting in the back corner, pretty much alone.
    I know it’s by choice—that I’ve kept my head down and not spent a lot of time talking to people because I don’t want to be recognized—but still, it’s lonely. I didn’t realize just how lonely until I started hanging out with Keegan.
    When I’m Cherry, I’m surrounded by people all the time.

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