If I were to prematurely make that conclusion; I'd say my top three include publishing my first book, getting off drugs, and making love to Serenity Davis. Our first time together was the definition of "impeccable." The topic of sex had been sprinkled through our conversation for the past week, to a point that I knew it was less a question of "if" and more so "when" and "where." We were on the way to my place after a refreshing early dinner downtown, and I'd already made arrangements for Simone to be elsewhere, and the apartment to be ready for all that would commence. After walking into a cinematic setting of candles, soft music, incense, and oils; I led Serenity to my bedroom and we quickly started kissing. Before I knew it: words were exchanged, clothes were off, and her tender, wet mouth was revolving around my manhood. "Yes, baby," I bellowed, feeling sensations I found myself wildly unaccustomed to. It was as though my heedless sexual track record meant nothing, at a moment where I laid stark naked and vulnerable to a legitimate empress who'd managed to captivate my heart well before my erection.