He intended to keep the fire burning strong for the rest of the day, power or no power. The fireplace in the Goult home was always in use during the colder seasons, so even when stuff like this happened, Arnold wouldn’t freeze to death. He tossed the logs into the roaring fire, one at a time, listening to the crackles and pops as he became mesmerized with the sporadic dance of the flames. The heat radiated through his body as he remained crouched, rubbing his tingling hands together. I sure hope Presley is staying warm. He thought with a frown. Lorcan will take care of her. I have to trust him to do that much. He was still trying to readjust to life without Presley. Again. He’d only just gotten her back and now she was with Lorcan, starting their life together as mates. He was very happy for her-for them-but he sure missed her. It was lonely in their little house without the occasional sound of Presley’s voice ringing through the air. Whether she was yelling at a video game system or asking him for help with her homework…..