Ted Carnell, still at a point where I think he was trying anything to get the magazine’s circulation back up, commissioned an Elric serial. We planned four quasi-independent episodes, separately titled, which would fit together and become a novel, though any story could be read individually. Then came the news from Ted that the magazines were going under unless buyers could be found. He, at any rate, had found a new job editing a quarterly SF anthology New Writings in SF. We would run the final Elric story in the final issue of Science Fantasy, even though it meant also featuring my more New Wave story “The Deep Fix” under the James Colvin name and cutting short my “Aspects of Fantasy” series. No more Elric stories in future, I sighed. I was glad I’d had a chance to finish the series with a bit of a bang. Happily Compact Books bought the titles, and New Worlds went to me and Science Fantasy to the heroic-fantasy-hating Kyril Bonfiglioli, a friend of mine. Friendship didn’t come between Bon and his ferocious dislike of the burgeoning genre.
What do You think about The Stealer Of Souls (2008)?