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Read The Story Of Henri Tod

The Story of Henri Tod

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The Story Of Henri Tod - Plot & Excerpts

You’d think the President of the United States, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, the Vice President, the Secretary of State, the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Adviser to the President—did I forget anybody? Caroline didn’t drift in on this meeting—oh yes, the Secretary of Defense. McNamara would love that, remembering everyone there, forgetting the Secretary of Defense. All of us in the Situation Room, which by the way why in the hell didn’t I choose a larger room? In there like sardines. Oakes talked, if anything, as if we were classmates. Well no, that’s not fair. As Bobby says—oh, forgot Bobby. Of course Bobby was there. As Bobby would say, protocolwise he was okay. Master spy Rufus is a pretty impressive guy, Allen was right about it. And Oakes absolutely swears for that Tod man. I don’t doubt Tod believes those minutes. As a matter of fact, I don’t doubt their authenticity. Boy, how we went round and round on that point. The Oakes guy, I bet he makes out.

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