The Sun And The Moon: The Remarkable True Account Of Hoaxers, Showmen, Dueling Journalists, And Lunar Man-Bats In Nineteenth-Century New York - Plot & Excerpts
248 and Bennett, James Gordon ( see under Magnetic theory, 293–294 Bennett, James Gordon) “Magnetism and Astronomy” (Richard and Day, Benjamin ( see under Day, Adams Locke), 293 Benjamin) Maguire, Mark, 35 and Herschel, Sir John ( see under Man-bats, 12, 171–173, 204–205, 206, Herschel, Sir John) 207, 228 (photo), 229 (photo) and Locke, Richard Adams ( see under lithographs of, 175–177, 176 (photo) Locke, Richard Adams) See also Lunar inhabitants and Sun (see under Sun) Marryat, Frederick, 262 See also Moon series Marsh, William B., 273 The Moon Hoax; or, A Discovery that Marshall, Thomas F., 70 the Moon Has a Vast Population of Martin, Emily, 9 Human Beings, 292 Martin, Margaret, 9 Moon series, 11–13, 19, 47, 49, 54, 96, Mason, Monck, 237, 239–242, 245 128, 133–135, 135–136, 165–167, Matthews, Rev. John, 59 167–169, 169–173, 173–174, Matthews, Robert. See Matthias the 199–201, 201–205, 206–208, Prophet 236–237, 240, 242–243, 282 Matthias the Prophet pamphlet.
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