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Read The Templar Cross (2010)

The Templar Cross (2010)

Online Book

3.69 of 5 Votes: 5
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0451228855 (ISBN13: 9780451228857)

The Templar Cross (2010) - Plot & Excerpts

Meh. Not nearly as well written as the first book in the series. The plot was disjointed and very difficult to follow.This series always amazes me with how many dead bodies the main character leaves behind, yet he is still free to fly back and forth between the US and Europe under his own name. He is then able to travel all over Europe without any hindrances. This rates pretty low on the believability scale I think not reading the previous books in this series (which I didn't realize it was a series) is what first had me thinking I made a mistake in giving this book a try. There quite a few references to things that had happened before, and the more I read the more I realized the earlier books is where the real Templar mysteries unfolded. The references for the Dan Brown books kept me hopeful that this story would eventually draw me in to the intrigue and history, but unfortunately it didn't. At two thirds of the way through this book and I still was struggling to find out what the Templar part was supposed to be and where it was going to fit in when the story was all about Egypt, Imhotep, and enough gold to crash a plane and kill for. Overall, I felt this book was a big waste of my time. It was attempting to be a thrilling mystery and ended up being a disappointment.Until next time,~Lisa

What do You think about The Templar Cross (2010)?

The story was good though the ending was unsatisfying. Hopefully the next one picks up the case.

Continuing adventures of the "Templar" series. Just as engaging at the first book.

this book was easier to follow and was better than the 1st in the series

Good writing style and story.

worth reading

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