Human shapes, large and small, dancing around me. A giant tunnel filled with echoing laughter. Surrounded by the shadows, the gray-haired man stood smirking at me. And Terry was walking into a horrible trap. I had to stop her before it was too late. But I couldn’t catch up with her. Everything was in slow motion, swaying heavily as if underwater. I called out to her, “Terry! No! What are you doing?” Terry turned around, but she had no face. “It’s just a bad dream, Adrian.” The shadows were touching me now. “Get off of me!” I shouted, struggling against the grasp of the Angel peacemaker. “Addy, wake up already! Addy!” I heard Alia let out a little shriek as my eyes snapped open in the darkened bedroom. Looking up at my sister, I realized that I had roughly grabbed her by the front of her pajama shirt. She had been sitting on my mattress and leaning over me, shaking me awake. My heart was racing and I was out of breath. “Ali, is this my bed or yours?” I groaned, releasing my grip on her shirt.