The Zombie Survival Guide: How To Live Like A King After The Outbreak - Plot & Excerpts
If they do find you, you will be left with one gruesome option: Kill them all or be killed yourself. Luckily, raiders will be easy to spot. More than likely they will riding motorcycles or armored dune buggies, blaring heavy metal music, and heavily armed. If any persons approach your doorstep and you hear Slayer or the sound of double base drumming from the music in the background, start gathering your munitions immediately. When raiders come knocking at your doorstep, keep quiet and hope that they do not notice you or attempt to break in. If they do notice you, pretend to start negotiations while setting up an ambush to kill them all. Try offering the guy with the boyish good looks in exchange for their leader’s spiked codpiece. Either way, you do not want to lose the element of surprise. This clever ruse, combined with your stronghold fortifications, will ensure victory if you strike quickly. Your first task is to gun down the leader of the pack. Once this is accomplished, the minions are likely to get confused and panic.
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