This is a terrific book. I'm so out of shape that 45 minutes a day of exercise is not on the agenda--yet--but I am exercising more and moving toward that goal. I'm also more aware of what I eat and avoid as much "Dead Food" as possible. Crowley shares himself and makes his points with humor, which makes the book a lot more digestible. (Pun intended) Sacheck has made her scientific/medical contributions to the book comprehensible and memorable. I found this book to be very helpful. The chapters by Chris Crowley could get a little annoying at times because of his conversational writing style, but the chapters written by Jennifer Sacheck were very good. I really appreciated the amount of detail given to the physiological information on the process of losing weight and getting in shape.I've taken their advice, which sums up to "eat better, eat less, and exercise like crazy!" and I've managed to drop 27 lbs. in 10 weeks. I can't complain about that. I'd recommend this book to anyone who is serious about getting healthier.
Great, I will mainly used this one for the excercises rather than the diet plan.
A good, positive motivator toward a healthier lifestyle.
Great insight and motivation.