The thought pounded through Gemma’s mind, through her body, like blood pumping through veins. She was scared, more scared than I thought a warrior like her could ever be. Her feelings were so strong and so overwhelming that I almost pulled back. Gemma was clearly a woman who felt things with great intensity. It was something I never would have believed about her, but I couldn’t refute it now because it was taking over me. Wasn’t doing this to her a betrayal? She went to great lengths to conceal her true feeling to us all and I was completely disregarding whatever her reasons for doing so. But then Gemma looked at him. Still and pale, lifeless and cold. He was lying in the bed and the only light in the room was from the full moon, which shone brightly through the open windows. Even in the dim lighting I could make out everything. Gemma’s eyesight must be like a cat’s. Clearly, I was seeing the night Gemma pulled Cole out of hell, the night Beelzebub hurt him just to make me watch.