She didn’t remember any of the trip through the tube, just being in V’s arms, tasting her lips, everything. The woman made her believe she was beautiful, that she could find happiness with someone, with V, on a space station. Everything everyone had ever said about her melted from her mind, V’s kindness and warmth taking their place. She pulled away and gasped for air. “We’re here already?” V stroked the side of her face, making her feel precious. “Yes, let’s go inside.” The door slid open and she pulled her into the foyer. “Would you like something to drink?” She shook her head. The only thing she wanted was the gorgeous woman in front of her who reminded her what it was like to be a real person again. Not a monster. Not a freak. “Well, I need a water. I’ll be right back.” Waiting, she took another look at the apartment. While the open-concept main level had been decorated in Earth tones, the upper floor resembled the aurora borealis with purples, blues, and greens scattered across the wall by the stairs in a beautiful display.