Her friend’s expression was a mixture of impatience and concern, and guilt rushed over Harriet as she realised her thoughts had wandered off some time ago. “Of course I have,” she lied. “You were talking about…um…Nico and his yacht.” “We’d finished with Nico ten minutes ago,” Gemma tartly replied. It was Thursday, and they were having lunch at a swish Italian restaurant on the waters’ edge of Sydney Harbour. Bright autumn sunshine glinted off the blue waters and the sleek white yachts moored in front of them. Both the wharf and the restaurant were a flurry of well-heeled tourists and locals enjoying the views, the weather and the cosmopolitan atmosphere. “This is good coffee.” Harriet took a sip of her perfect macchiato. Gemma wagged her finger. “Don’t change the subject.” “What was the subject again?” Gemma pushed aside her coffee cup and leaned her elbows on the tablecloth. “The real subject is, why have you been so miserable these past few weeks?” Harriet chewed her lower lip as she glanced around the restaurant.
What do You think about When Harriet Came Home (2011)?