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Read Where The Bodies Are Buried

Where the Bodies are Buried

Online Book

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Hachette Littlehampton

Where The Bodies Are Buried - Plot & Excerpts

Jasmine pondered briefly whether William Bain would turn out to be considerably older and more infirm than the most recent photo suggested, but then she noted the laminated badge pinned to the woman’s chest. It was issued by Hairmyres Hospital in East Kilbride and identified her as ‘Margaret Bain, Maternity Ward’.
    She stepped aside to let them in but kept the door open as she pulled a light jacket off the end of the nearby banister.
    ‘I’m just going on shift,’ she explained. ‘I’d make yous a cuppa tea, but I’m cutting it close. He’s in the living room.’ Jasmine was about to assure her it was fine, but she was out of the door and away with all haste.
    They stood in the hallway for a few moments, wondering whether Bain would appear to greet them or should they feel free to proceed unaccompanied. Ingrams looked the place up and down, almost bashing his holdall against the wall as he turned around in the narrow hallway.

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