So he always tried to choose them carefully. “Well. I’m obviously missing a lot of the pieces to the puzzle, and I know that truthfully, when it comes down to it, it’s none of my business. But… the more you tell me about your marriage, the less I understand it.” Lydia laughed dryly. “Join the club. That’s probably why I got divorced, huh?” Sam grinned. “We usually don’t talk about Matt, or your marriage, and that’s fine. But I want to now for a few minutes, if that’s alright. Because… frankly, I just don’t get what you ever saw in him. Much less, enough for you to marry him. It sounds like you had very little in common. Like you were very, very different people. So I can’t figure that one out. Could you enlighten me?” “Wow.” Lydia scrutinized him. “You’ve thought about this? Seriously?” “Yeah," he admitted. "I’m really curious.” She nodded and plucked some more grapes from their stems as she formulated a response.
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