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Read Within Arm's Length: A Secret Service Agent's Definitive Inside Account Of Protecting The President

Within Arm's Length: A Secret Service Agent's Definitive Inside Account of Protecting the President

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St. Martin's Press

Within Arm's Length: A Secret Service Agent's Definitive Inside Account Of Protecting The President - Plot & Excerpts

Martin’s Press offered me the opportunity to write a revised edition of Within Arm’s Length, I was thrilled. Not only would I have the opportunity to write for a prestigious publishing house, but I would also have the chance to take the many comments from readers about my first book and incorporate them into a more detailed, expansive work about my life and career in the Secret Service and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
One constant question from readers has been: What does the title of the book actually mean? The answer is simple. “Within arm’s length” is the Secret Servcie doctrine that proclaims that, for an agent to properly protect the president, he must be literally within arm’s length of that president. Any greater distance between president and agent will render the agent incapable of effectively responding to an attack. During my career, I had the honor of being within arm’s length of three sitting presidents. I felt this title to be the most appropriate of all those considered.

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