The sun crested the horizon as Bragg wound up the gravel driveway to the house overlooking Bonneville. A quick check had confirmed Philip Louis owned the property and Rory’s body had been found on the border between this tract and Bonneville. The house at the top of the drive was all new construction. Sleek and modern, it sat on the hill as if it had staked a claim. He parked and instead of ringing the doorbell, he walked around the property searching for a view of Greer’s house. Following a stone path, he wound around the house until he came to a small backyard. From the yard he had a clear view of the valley below, including Greer’s ranch house. Hand on hip, he stood and stared. It would be easy to photograph her from here. As he turned, he saw her emerge from her house. From this distance without a telephoto lens he couldn’t tell what she was doing. But he saw her plain as day. She’d had a late night but had risen early. He gave her credit. She had an iron grip that kept her moving no matter what.
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