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Read ZOMBIES!!! The Best Weapons For Obliterating Zombies In The Apocalypse

ZOMBIES!!! The Best Weapons for Obliterating Zombies in the Apocalypse

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ZOMBIES!!! The Best Weapons For Obliterating Zombies In The Apocalypse - Plot & Excerpts

The Best Weapons for Obliterating Zombies Fire Axes, Pickaxes, and Hatchets     Oh, the pickaxe! The pickaxe is a classic mining tool and it tends to be one of the few items that are always associated with mining in the public consciousness (though there are other applications for the tool besides mining). Generally, it looks like a tapering  crescent moon stuck upside-down on a thick, wooden staff. One side of the half moon is thin and flat, and the other side is round and pointed. While long in use, most contemporary mining uses mechanical diggers or set explosive charges over the pickaxe. They tend to be fairly heavy, and are less common contemporarily than historically, so the chance of getting this gem is limited. Hardware stores may carry them. If you do find one of these excellent weapons, enjoy its wonderful crushing and ratcheting abilities! (If you do obtain one, please refrain from singing heigh-ho heigh-ho, it's off to work we go while bludgeoning zombies. Zombies can't think like we can think, but I don't have to tell you what bad manners that is.)    Fire axes and smaller hatchets have pros and cons as weapons.

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