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Al Lacy books

Al Lacy
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Read Books by Al Lacy


All My Tomorrows (2003)

When 62 orphans and abandoned children leave New York City on a train headed out West, they have no idea what to expect. Will they get separated from their friends or siblings? Will their new families love them? Will a family even pick them at all? Future events are wilder than any of them could ...

All My Tomorrows (2003) by Al Lacy

The Little Sparrows (2003)

"The Little Sparrows" it seems by reviews to be either a book to love or dislike. Well on the most part it is a book that I really enjoyed. I will admit that the end might be a little to far over the top but then again that is one of the reasons I love fiction, for there is always a happy endin...

The Little Sparrows (2003) by Al Lacy

Let There Be Light (2010)

What better opportunity to put a bullet in Dan Tyler's heart than being his trusted wife? Murder is Jenny Linden's motive in answering the former prison guard's ad for a mail order bride. She's ready to avenge her father's death in a Confederate prison camp. Packing her purse with a revolver -- a...

Let There Be Light (2010) by Al Lacy

One More Sunrise (2004)

Countless perils menaced the early settlers of the Wild West - and not the least of them was the lack of medical care. Dr. Dane Logan, a former street waif who has been adopted by a doctor's family in Cheyenne, puts his lifelong dream to work filling this need. His renown as a surgeon spreads thr...

One More Sunrise (2004) by Al Lacy

The Heart Remembers (2004)

This final book in the Frontier Doctor trilogy continues the story of Dane and Tharyn Logan, husband and wife medical team serving a mining community west of Denver. While caring for the physical ailments of the residents of this frontier town, the Logans also minister to their spiritual needs. A...

The Heart Remembers (2004) by Al Lacy

Ransom of Love (2000)

In this fifth installment of the bestselling Mail Order Bride series, two young couples seek freedom and love amidst slavery-rich Charleston, South Carolina. When nineteen-year-old Benjamin arrives from South Africa, he is scheduled to be sold into slavery -- but is set free by a Christian who ta...

Ransom of Love (2000) by Al Lacy

Measure Of Grace (2001)

Romance and revenge, hot tempers, and cold feet frame a gripping story set in rural Elkton, Idaho, in the 1860s. Young Jordan Shaw angers easily and lives wildly, experiencing prison and kidnapping before his family attempts to tame him with marriage. To avoid their choice, he seeks a mail order ...

Measure Of Grace (2001) by Al Lacy

The Tender Flame (1999)

Grant Smith and Lydia Reynolds fell in love at a young age and their "tender flame" continued to burn. As Grant approached graduation from West Point he asked Lydia to marry him. Wedding preparations were underway when President Polk suddenly announced that war with Mexico was inevitable -- duty ...

The Tender Flame (1999) by Al Lacy

Beloved Physician (2004)

They say, “I do,” and only death shall part them. Back from their honeymoon, Dr. Dane and Tharyn Logan eagerly assume the reins of the medical practice in a small Colorado mining community. Dane’s selfless heroism quickly earns him a fine reputation among the townsfolk. But the hardship and dange...

Beloved Physician (2004) by Al Lacy

Faithful Heart (1995)

Angel of Mercy Series: Book Two FOR SOME SOLDIERS, THE BATTLE never ends. Dottie Harper fears for her children's safety. Her husband, Jerrod, is struggling with dementia brought on by shell shock during the Civil War. It's as though there are two Jerrods locked inside him: the tender and lovin...

Faithful Heart (1995) by Al Lacy

Blessed Are the Merciful (1999)

Perhaps, the newest of literary elements is the parallel story lines. I guess many people must like it, but I'm not a fan. (Heads up for anyone who doesn't like this either.) Blessed Are the Merciful is probably a good example of why authors should not use this device. One story seems to take thr...

Blessed Are the Merciful (1999) by Al Lacy

Under the Distant Sky (2006)

In the years following the Civil War, Hannah and Solomon Cooper decide to seek out a new life on the frontier. In the dangerous journey that follows, however, tragedy strikes. By all reasonable expectations they should return home. Yet to the surprise of everyone in the wagon train -- and despite...

Under the Distant Sky (2006) by Al Lacy

A Time to Love (1998)

“Yes! Things couldn’t have worked out any better than this! Linda, honey, just wait’ll you meet your darling ‘Blake’!” That evening, Haman sat at the desk in the Barrett library, reading Linda’s letters over again and letting his eyes devour her beauty as he kept glancing at her photograph. Grinn...

A Time to Love (1998) by Al Lacy

Secrets of the Heart (1998)

Put more shoulder into it when you swing. Gerald, you seem to have gotten the knack of it. Take another swing and let Stan watch.” It was midafternoon as Tom Harned instructed two new men on how to use pickaxes to cut into the walls of the Comstock Lode. They were deep inside the dark bowels of M...

Secrets of the Heart (1998) by Al Lacy

Whispers in the Wind (2010)

“Good morning, Officer Thornton.” Thornton approached the desk and extended his hand. “Good morning, sir.” They shook hands, then Brace gestured toward the chairs in front of the desk. “Please sit down.” The man looked over his shoulder. “Thank you for getting me in to see him, Mrs. Hinson.” Myra...

Whispers in the Wind (2010) by Al Lacy

The Iron Wagon (2010)

He was working alone, but he could hear miners in other areas at his level using their picks. As Shelby swung the pick, his mind went back to his conversation with the chief U.S. marshal in the parking lot at Denver’s First Baptist Church. John Brockman’s words echoed in his brain: “Please tell m...

The Iron Wagon (2010) by Al Lacy

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