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Alex Scarrow books

Alex Scarrow
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Read Books by Alex Scarrow


Jazdci časom: Prvá misia (2013)

Easy, fast, thrilling and suspenseful. Great read after a busy day. No challenging plot lines or mangled evil characters. The pacein line with the plot which is fast and believable even though it is impossible to travel through time. Nice use of tachyons and relativity principles such asThe unive...

Jazdci časom: Prvá misia (2013) by Alex Scarrow

Jezdci Časem (2011)

I thought the book started off good, but went bad after the appearance of Paul Kramer. As a story writer myself, I understand that Scarrow wanted to make Kramer a mystery character in the book, but he did not give enough information for me, the reader, to be able to identify him. When Kramer appe...

Jezdci Časem (2011) by Alex Scarrow

Le Jour du Prédateur (2012)

I think I preferred this book to the first one in the series. I mean, time travelling to the Cretaceous? Uh, YES. The characters are fun - although reading things from a sort-of-dinosaur's point of view was a LITTLE weird - and the way they solve the "Oh crap, we're lost in history and no one kno...

Le Jour du Prédateur (2012) by Alex Scarrow

Predátoři (2012)

Much better than the first book...this would have got a five except for one big plot hole..SPOILERS!!So when Liam and Becks go to to 2015 and before all that drama about explosions etc etc before they even step of that cupboard why not send a beam of tachron (spelling?) particles saying to abort...

Predátoři (2012) by Alex Scarrow

Saalistajan aika (2013)

meskipun masih banyak lubang yang terjadi di buku ini berkenaan dengan konsep perjalanan waktunya saya akui bahwa buku ini menarik untuk diikuti, dengan gaya bercerita yang ringan (dan terjemahan yang sedikit terburu-buru) rasanya nggak rela untuk tidak melanjutkan seri ini dan membaca misteri di...

Saalistajan aika (2013) by Alex Scarrow

O Dia do Predador (2011)

I enjoyed this story a great deal, and almost lived it vicariously through some imagined early or preteen version of myself. I had, of course, worked out what appears so out-of-the-blue right at the end of the book: but would I have, when I was ten? Eleven? Twelve? probably not. The impact that ...

O Dia do Predador (2011) by Alex Scarrow

Code apocalypse (2012)

Once again, it was worth the wait. You see, I'm Greek and though I often read books in English, this one I usualy wait for the translation, not sure why. I loved it. It was funny and there was adventure and some great characters... and I loved Liam more and more in each book. I have no idea how m...

Code apocalypse (2012) by Alex Scarrow

La guerre éternelle (2013)

This fourth installment of the Time Riders series is as excellent as the previous three.In this story, Abraham Lincoln is saved by the Liam, Sal and Bob from an early death in New Orleans in 1831 that shouldn't have happened. He then follows the Time Riders back to their base time of 2001. Sudden...

La guerre éternelle (2013) by Alex Scarrow

Les brumes de Londres (2000)

After a small dip with The Eternal War, this is back on track. City Of Shadows, the sixth book of the proposed nine in the series, is fantastic.As usual, all my other books get ignored. This is the series for me at the moment and I can't wait for EVERYTHING to be revealed.If you haven't read the ...

Les brumes de Londres (2000) by Alex Scarrow

La Prophétie Maya (2014)

I whiz through the Time Rider books and then regret it as they are over too soon and the series finishes with the next book. There are now lots of questions to answer and loose ends to tie up and I'm eagerly looking forward to the next one this year. That being said, while I love the time trave...

La Prophétie Maya (2014) by Alex Scarrow

The Infinity Cage (2014)

*SPOILERS*After really enjoying this series, I was very disappointed with this final instalment. It's shorter than the other books and suffers from the lack of Sal and Adam. It's also just a bit dull compared to some of the others. I don't like Rashim's end, which was rather sudden and disappoint...

The Infinity Cage (2014) by Alex Scarrow

A Thousand Suns (2008)

Like thousand suns. As such, in my view, shines this war novel from Alex Scarrow. The book has two story-lines; first from the end of the war in 1945, which tells the story of the bomber's crew; the second from the present, where a journalist with his friend a diving instructor head off to explor...

A Thousand Suns (2008) by Alex Scarrow

TimeRiders 05 - Gates of Rome

The streets were busy with vendors packing up their shop fronts and pulling shutter doors to for the approaching evening.     Liam and Bob flanked Macro; Maddy and Sal a few steps behind.     ‘What was it like in the legions?’ asked Liam. Macro repeated the...

TimeRiders 05 - Gates of Rome by Alex Scarrow

TimeRiders: City of Shadows (Book 6)

Systems Research Campus, near Pinedale, Wyoming ‘Can I trust you, Joseph?’ Joseph Olivera lurched. That question came right out of nowhere and caught him entirely off guard. Waldstein was standing beside him in the lab, seemingly emerging from thin air.     ‘Wh-what? Yes! Of …...

TimeRiders: City of Shadows (Book 6) by Alex Scarrow

October Skies (2010)

The scream was shrill and feminine and followed shortly after by the cry of several children. He grabbed his gun, already carefully loaded and ready to fire - something he’d done quietly last night whilst the other two slept. His head throbbed from weariness, not certain whether he’d actually man...

October Skies (2010) by Alex Scarrow

Ellie Quin Episode 5: A Girl Reborn

‘Hang on! You’re not staying?’ ‘No, of course not. We agreed, Graham and me, that you girls are not to be assisted in any way. So,’ he saluted her, ‘the field is all yours General Ellie.’ ‘But…but…’ she looked around at the rows of her midget warriors, watching her, waiting for instructions. ‘Wha...

Ellie Quin Episode 5: A Girl Reborn by Alex Scarrow

Ellie Quin Book 01: The Legend of Ellie Quin

It had been widely accepted for some time back then that ten spatial dimensions could be mathematically calculated. The discrepancies in Superstring Theory could be explained only by hypothesizing the existence of an eleventh. Today we know that to be true, and it is this dimension that is used a...

Ellie Quin Book 01: The Legend of Ellie Quin by Alex Scarrow

Afterlight (2010)

I haven’t made up my mind about him yet.’ Jenny hunkered down amongst the troughs of compost lining the walkway along the front of the second tier of the accommodation module. Clear plastic sheeting, attached to the safety rail and stretched up to the overhanging ceiling of the tier above, protec...

Afterlight (2010) by Alex Scarrow

Ellie Quin Book 2: The World According to Ellie Quin

‘I need a word,’ she announced sternly. Noah glanced up from his data screen, a look of irritation spread across his face. ‘I’d like you to go outside, knock, and then try again.’ Jez ignored him. The door swished closed behind her and she took several intimidating steps forward. ‘I want a transf...

Ellie Quin Book 2: The World According to Ellie Quin by Alex Scarrow

Ellie Quin - 04 - Ellie Quin in WonderLand

He led Leonard and Karl across the busy intersection, through a swirling morass of foot traffic and impatient d-peds weaving their way perilously through them. News of The Administration enforced quarantine had finally been officially announced on all the news streams yesterday evening and inevit...

Ellie Quin - 04 - Ellie Quin in WonderLand by Alex Scarrow

Ellie Quin Book 3: Beneath the Neon Sky

There were over a hundred of them. ‘So think man, what vehicles have you seen come in this morning?’ he asked with growing irritation. The port controller looked up at him, his eyes shifting from one of the armed men to the next, clearly unsettled by the sight of them. ‘M-many orbit-to-ground one...

Ellie Quin Book 3: Beneath the Neon Sky by Alex Scarrow

Infinity Cage

The crowd began to turn their backs on the military blockade in ones, twos, threes, then en masse, pushing past each other to return to their abandoned vehicles and possessions. ‘Maddy!’ Rashim was shouting at her. He jerked her arm. ‘The virus is in the clouds! In the rain! We have to get out of...

Infinity Cage by Alex Scarrow

Last Light

GMT UEA, NorwichIt made her jump.She looked at the number on the display, it was Dad again.‘Dad, you okay? It sounded like something was going on over th—?’‘Leona, listen to me. I haven’t got much charge on my phone. I . . .’‘Dad, I was so worried about—’‘LISTEN!’She shut up.‘Do not go to our hom...

Last Light by Alex Scarrow

The mayan prophecy (Timeriders # 8)

His eyes blinked and watered at the light of the desk lamp sitting on a wooden crate beside him. ‘Yes, you must let your eyes adjust.’ He recognized the voice of the leader. ‘Are you thirsty? Some water?’ Adam nodded. His mouth was dry. He looked around as the rebel leader poured some water into ...

The mayan prophecy (Timeriders # 8) by Alex Scarrow

The Eternal War

He puffed out a foul-smelling cloud of cigarette smoke that Maddy subtly wafted away from her face with the gentle flap of her hand. The colonel didn’t seem to notice that. ‘You’ll have whatever help I can offer you. But I’ll wager we have nothing of your sort of technology in our bunkers.’‘Thank...

The Eternal War by Alex Scarrow

The Candle Man

‘Thank you,’ he said, and passed the young man a coin.     The porter grinned, thanked him and bowed out of the room, leaving him alone.     He settled down at the small breakfast table in his room. Positioned by the bay window, he had a pleasing view out o...

The Candle Man by Alex Scarrow

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