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Angela Johnson books

Angela Johnson
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Read Books by Angela Johnson


All Different Now: Juneteenth, the First Day of Freedom (2014)

As usual, E. B. Lewis's illustrations are breathtaking. He tells about their creation in an Illustrator's Note at the back of the book. The first 24 pages tell the story of Juneteenth - June 19th - the emancipation of slavery - with simple verse and these incredible paintings. The last five pa...

All Different Now: Juneteenth, the First Day of Freedom (2014) by Angela Johnson

The First Part Last (2005)

The book I’m reviewing is The First Part Last by Angela Johnson. This book is fiction. The main idea of The First Part Last is a young couple having a child but not knowing if they want to keep it.The First Part Last is based on a teenage couple that doesn’t know if they want to keep their baby o...

The First Part Last (2005) by Angela Johnson

Maniac Monkeys on Magnolia Street & When Mules Flew on Magnolia Street (2009)

Welcome to Magnolia Street, where Charlie has just moved into her new home. It isn't long before Charlie's exploring, meeting all of her new neighbors, and getting herself into trouble. Her adventures with her bound-to-be best friend Billy--tricking Charlie's older brother, making a racket on ...

Maniac Monkeys on Magnolia Street & When Mules Flew on Magnolia Street (2009) by Angela Johnson

Vow of Deception (2010)

Can you hear me? Rose!” Rand’s voice penetrated the heavy blackness pressing down on Rose. He softly patted her face and called her name again. She groaned, blinking, a nagging sense of alarm pricking her sluggish awareness. Pain reverberated inside her head, but she forced her eyes open. Gazing ...

Vow of Deception (2010) by Angela Johnson

Vow of Seduction (2009)

“I see you are making some progress,” said the first of two men. Luc shrugged at his companion’s comment. “’Tis not a difficult task.” The first man laughed evilly. “Indeed. I, too, have made some progress in our endeavor. But, unlike me, you don’t appear pleased with our success.” “I just…I am h...

Vow of Seduction (2009) by Angela Johnson

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