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Read Vow Of Seduction (2009)

Vow of Seduction (2009)

Online Book

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Kensington Publishing Corp.

Vow Of Seduction (2009) - Plot & Excerpts

“I see you are making some progress,” said the first of two men.
Luc shrugged at his companion’s comment. “’Tis not a difficult task.”
The first man laughed evilly. “Indeed. I, too, have made some progress in our endeavor. But, unlike me, you don’t appear pleased with our success.”
“I just…I am having doubts about my part in this affair.”
“Why these sudden doubts?” the first man asked angrily. “Need I must remind you of what you will gain when our plan succeeds?”
“Nay, ’tis all I can think about,” Luc said, impassioned.
“Then hold the course, and you shall have everything you desire.”
“I know. I’m just weary of the enterprise.”
The first man’s face contorted swiftly, becoming ugly. “You are weary?” he spat, grabbing Luc’s tunic, his face red, “You fool. I have waited and plotted for too long for you to back out now. This is only the beginning of my plans for revenge. Certes, and I will not let you destroy everything because you have suddenly found your conscience.”

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