The funeral had just finished and Tubbs was now at rest. The whole club and many others had turned out for the ceremony, including Tubbs' sister Jane. None of us even knew he had a sister, except for Karen who had managed to contact her. She'd flown all the way across the country from Boston for ...
It's the strangest thing about Ireland; for a small island there's more variety than you'd ever guess at from the outside. I'm used to the wide open spaces back home. In America, when we talk about heading "up north," we're talking about crossing state lines maybe, maybe heading up to Canada even...
I was on the back of Ronan's bike, flying along yet another seemingly nameless street in the heart of Dublin. I'm sure somewhere there was a map that would tell me the names of the avenues were weaving through, but to me they were just a collection of histories and half-remembered stories. I'd be...
I hadn’t really been aware of where we were going the previous night, but evidently Ronan had been driving us in circles through the night for some time, and we were only half an hour out from the city. I was glad for that much countryside at least, and couldn’t keep my eyes off the rolling green...
I led Ian inside with a smile. The last time we'd come through that door into a room wherever everyone was assembled, we had our game faces on. This time, things were more relaxed. I can't stress enough the importance of being relaxed before something like this. If everybo...