I hadn’t really been aware of where we were going the previous night, but evidently Ronan had been driving us in circles through the night for some time, and we were only half an hour out from the city. I was glad for that much countryside at least, and couldn’t keep my eyes off the rolling green hills that surrounded us as we approached the city. As we drove onto Grey Lane, he turned back to me and let the bike coast so I could hear him. “Where’m I taking you, lass?” I giggled. He didn’t even know where I lived. I’d completely forgotten. I gave him the address at the end of Grey Lane and he revved the bike back up, no doubt annoying the Dubliners who were going about their morning rituals only to be rudely interrupted by a loud motorcycle outside their windows. We pulled up to the house and he gave it a long look. “My grandmother had a thing for decorating and landscaping,”