Then we all sighed heavily, swapped over and tried again. There were some interesting rude diagrams in Kenny’s. But otherwise we came up with a big fat ZERO. Mum was fluffing about again, totally getting on my nerves. She kept whisking our mugs away before we’d actually finished our drinks, and p...
Come in, don’t be shy! I always lurve catching up with Sleepover fans. Oops, sorry, something’s blocking my door! Let me shift this rubbish. You’ll have to pick your way through the bin bags. As you can see, I’ve been spring cleaning for hours. You wouldn’t BELIEVE what I found under my bed! Bald...
said Emma in a casual voice. “It’s obvious you aren’t in the Brownies!” said Frankie contemptuously. She pushed past Emma, and I saw she was shining a tiny pencil torch. She ducked through the doorway, beaming the narrow ray of light into the dark. Even with the torch it looked horribly creepy. A...
That’s SO sweet. I was worried my disgusting germs might put you off. Actually, I think the fresh air blew my cobwebs away. I’m feeling heaps better now. Plus, I’ve got all my stupid chores out of the way. Me and Tiff really have to pull our weight since Dad walked out, otherwise poor Mum would e...
Oh, hiya. No fooling you Sleepover fans, is there? Yes, it’s me, Frankie! Look, it’s great to meet you here, but please don’t tell anyone else you’ve seen me. I’m serious. I’m keeping a low profile until this whole thing blows over. Why do you think I sneaked out of the house wearing dark glasses...