Then we all sighed heavily, swapped over and tried again. There were some interesting rude diagrams in Kenny’s. But otherwise we came up with a big fat ZERO. Mum was fluffing about again, totally getting on my nerves. She kept whisking our mugs away before we’d actually finished our drinks, and pulling back the dining-room curtains and closing them again. “Mum,” I said. “We’re trying to think, OK?” “Sorry,” she said. “It’s just that Andy’s not usually this late. And with this weather…” Her voice trailed away. I stared at her. I’d completely failed to notice Andy hadn’t come home. “Did you ring his mobile?” She shook her head. “Ring it now,” I said. Mum wrung her hands. “I’m probably being silly.” Neither of us could bring ourselves even to whisper the word “accident”. At that moment the back door opened, letting in gusts of freezing air. Andy stood in the doorway, stamping snow off his shoes. I’ll never understand grown-ups. You’d think Mum would be really pleased to see him.
What do You think about Sleepover Club 2000 (2000)?