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Ann Omasta books

Ann Omasta
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Read Books by Ann Omasta


Cruising for Love (The Escape Series Book 2)

Andrew, Jake, and I share a panicked look. We all go from slumping, lazily relaxed in our seats to bolting upright––our eyes bulging in similar looks of alarm.     "Does that mean...?" I don't bother to finish the question because Jake is already grabbing his camera and making...

Cruising for Love (The Escape Series Book 2) by Ann Omasta

Getting Lei'd

I’m sure she’ll probably ignore that advice and instead use the time to lube her entire body with magic jelly, but I prefer not to think about that.     The real reason I leave is to find Ruthie. I haven’t seen her, and it’s time for her to get dressed. If she has flitted away...

Getting Lei'd by Ann Omasta

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