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Read Cruising For Love (The Escape Series Book 2)

Cruising for Love (The Escape Series Book 2)

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Cruising For Love (The Escape Series Book 2) - Plot & Excerpts

Andrew, Jake, and I share a panicked look. We all go from slumping, lazily relaxed in our seats to bolting upright––our eyes bulging in similar looks of alarm.
    "Does that mean...?" I don't bother to finish the question because Jake is already grabbing his camera and making a run for it. "I guess so," Andrew responds, even as he throws money onto the table, waves to the bartender, grabs my hand, and hightails it out towards the pier.
    I am wearing high-heeled sandals, so I have to take tiny steps. My legs get in three strides to each one of Andrew's. The shuffle-scurry I am attempting has to look ridiculous, so I'm relieved that Jake is in too big of a hurry to film us. I just hope there aren't any cameramen on the top decks of the ship capturing our tardiness.
    "Wait, please wait!" I yell even as I see the aft of giant ship easing away from the dock. We run to the end of the wooden platform, but it is of no use. The ship sails smoothly past the end of it and out towards the open ocean.

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