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Archer, Sam books

Archer, Sam
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Read Books by Archer, Sam


St Matthew's Passion: A Medical Romance

One of a doctor’s most treasured resources was sleep, and once again Melissa had gone short. This time it wasn’t patients who’d kept her awake, but her own inner agony. She’d deliberately refrained form reaching out for help, hadn’t called her parents or her brother or Emma, even though she knew ...

St Matthew's Passion: A Medical Romance by Archer, Sam

Questions Of Trust: A Medical Romance

The weeks of brilliant early summer weather had broken, finally, and the slate-coloured skies of the last twenty-four hours had opened up.     She steered the Astra carefully, uncertain of the route. It was a part of Pemberham with which she was unfamiliar, the south side, mor...

Questions Of Trust: A Medical Romance by Archer, Sam

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