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Read St Matthew's Passion: A Medical Romance

St Matthew's Passion: A Medical Romance

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St Matthew's Passion: A Medical Romance - Plot & Excerpts

One of a doctor’s most treasured resources was sleep, and once again Melissa had gone short. This time it wasn’t patients who’d kept her awake, but her own inner agony. She’d deliberately refrained form reaching out for help, hadn’t called her parents or her brother or Emma, even though she knew all of them would have been more than willing to talk to her. She had to make one of the most important decisions of her career, and such a personal event required her to come to her own conclusions, without the advice of others, no matter how well-meant or even well-informed it was.
    Besides, she knew what everyone would say. That she was a fool even to consider it.
    But as the cold January morning sky began to lighten beyond her window, she had a sudden flash of clarity, the kind of “eureka” moment she’d experienced when the answer to a puzzling clinical problem had clicked into focus. She sat up in bed, all too aware of the immensity of the conclusion she’d reached, but at the same time strangely relieved.

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